We provide the Know-How

Specialized equipment, field-proven chemical formulas, and lab-tested results ensure that our products sanitize and disinfect so much more effectively than the over-the-counter options.

Discover the power of Envirotec


PermaSafe CLEAN cleans, deodorizes, and disinfects hard, nonporous surfaces in one, time-saving step, while killing up to 99.999% of bacteria and viruses. Effective against many more, and much more difficult to kill microorgorganisms than the EPA requires for a Hospital Disinfectant to be labeled "Broad Spectrum," CLEAN is also "Tuberculocidal."

Tuberculocidal is a designation that indicates CLEAN has proven effective against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. A notoriously difficult to eliminate pathogen, and signifies a hospital disinfectant with considerably higher germicidal potency that's effective against a much broader spectrum of pathogens, including such resistant and difficult to destroy microorganisms Hepatitis B and C, HIV and MRSA.

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